Stress Management
You have too much to do and too little time. Your heart seems to be racing lately and won’t slow down. Your thoughts seem less organized and you can’t focus on one thing or prioritize like you used to. Your muscles are tense and your breathing seems more shallow than usual. You are getting headaches more frequently and are losing your patience more and more frequently. Sound familiar? You are likely experiencing too much stress, and like most people, you need to find ways to get it under control so that you can get back to enjoying life. Unfortunately, being “stressed out” has become common language in today’s hustle and bustle. Almost one in four Canadians report feeling too much stress in their daily lives.
At Synergy Counselling, we will help you to first understand what stressors are most impacting you and then begin to develop an individualized plan to help you to regain a sense of control and some peace in your life. Common stressors include unhealthy relationships, overwhelming job requirements, financial concerns, and major life changes.
As we work through understanding your specific stressors, we will also look at ways that you have been coping with these stressors, both healthy and unhealthy. Healthy examples of coping with stress include exercise, reaching out for support, problem solving, setting “worry times”, proper sleep hygiene, assertiveness, and creating self-care time. Unhealthy coping strategies often include substance use, over and under eating, and distractions via TV and the internet. Our counsellors will help you to reinforce the healthy coping strategies you are using, implement new ones that are appealing, and look at ways to reduce unhealthy or problematic coping strategies.
Our Counsellors are trained in a variety of evidence-based approaches that will help you gain control of the stress in your life.
These approaches include :