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Harassment and Discrimination

Harassment and Discrimination2021-02-27T16:13:13-08:00
discrimination and harassment

Further Resources:

Harassment and Discrimination

Discrimination is differential, inequitable, unfair treatment of groups or individuals based on stereotypes, ignorance, prejudice and fear. Harrassment is a form of discrimination that is unwanted, unconsentual attention, contact, conduct that can be experienced as humiliating, threatening, intimidating, or exclusionary.

The BC Human Rights Code outlines grounds for discrimination as those based on age, ancestry, colour, family status, marital status, physical and mental disability, place of origin, political belief, race, religion, sex(including gender and pregnancy), sexual orientation, unrelated criminal conviction.

While the BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination and harassment these oppressive experiences exist for many people and seeking counselling to survive, respond and deal with this treatment may be one part of the puzzle in assisting.


Harassment and Discrimination

Synergy can provide counselling to help you survive, respond and deal with harassment and discrimination.
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