Collaborative Child Specialists
What is a Child Specialist?
A Child Specialist (CS) is a registered mental health professional (graduate level trained as a clinical counsellor or social worker) with specialized training in working with children and youth and in Collaborative Divorce.
Why have a Child Specialist on Your Collaborative Team?
One of the hallmarks of the Collaborative Divorce Process is the effort to assist families in avoiding high conflict and its negative impact on children. A CS adds incredible value to the team as your child’s advocate. Parents can often benefit from hearing about the needs and concerns of their child/children through a neutral party like a CS.
What is the Role of a Child Specialist?
A Child Specialist understands child development and the context of this within divorcing/separating families. A CS will have information about the challenges and responses of children experiencing divorce. They can create a safe, neutral, contained, child friendly environment to assist your child/children to express their story, needs and concerns.