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Pre-Cohabitation Counselling / Blending Families

Pre-Cohabitation Counselling / Blending Families2021-02-27T16:26:41-08:00
pre marital therapy

Pre-Cohabitation Counselling / Blending Families

At Synergy Counselling, we are committed to investing in what is most important to our clients. We understand that most often, relationships and family makes the top of our clients’ priority lists.

However, more often than not, couples seek help with conflict when problems have escalated and either one or both parties are questioning the viability of the relationship. The repercussions of separation can be large and affect all members of the family.

Regardless of gender or family composition, couples moving towards committed cohabitating relationships greatly benefit from taking time to discuss their values, expectations, shared roles, parenting and step-parenting wishes and styles, as well as financial and lifestyle goals, sexual preferences, amongst other topics. In addition, couples who learn to communicate effectively and handle conflict earlier in the relationship, will likely be better equipped to overcome the obstacles that life will inevitably bring.


Pre-Cohabitation & Blended Families

Let us help you form a strong family unit.
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